Does the chance of developing Rheumatoid Arthritis increase with Endometriosis?


More women than men are affected by rheumatoid arthritis, and female hormones could play a role in the onset of the disease. For males and females, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are often the same, although there are important variations in when and when they first occur. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation of the joints, which can lead to a number of symptoms, such as discomfort and rigidity. Many parts of the body may be affected by these symptoms. People with this disorder, when their symptoms are worse, appear to have flare-ups and remissions when the illness is more manageable. RA can cause dryness and discomfort in the eyes and mouth. The gums can also be affected by this inflammation, and may be more at risk of infection. In people with RA, the lungs may become inflamed or scarred, which can lead to breathing difficulties. The heart and blood vessels can also be affected by inflammation. Endometriosis is a disorder in which endometrial tissue, other than the uterine cavity, is found in areas of the body. Although the growth of this lining is stimulated by female hormones, the disorder may also be linked to the immune system. A variety of symptoms, including pain and fertility issues, may be caused by endometriosis. Women who have endometriosis may be at higher risk for RA growth. Inflammatory rheumatic illnesses with immunological origin are systemic connective tissue disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Women with endometriosis have altered immune monitoring with immunity mediated by depressed cells (high T-, B-, and natural killer cell counts but decreased activity) and improved humoral immune response (high serum levels of IgG, IgA, IgM auto antibodies, and anti-endometrial antibodies). SLE and RA patients have elevated humoral responses and abnormally increased and dysregulated development of antibodies, including endometriosis, and these abnormalities may precede clinical diagnosis.